Sunday, March 17, 2019

southern sea otters are moving of extinction

Image result for southern sea otter

Like others species, now southern sea otters are in danger.
The population drop slightly from 2017, with the number dipping to 3,128 otters to last year's 3,186. 2017 was also a drop from the previous year,which counted 3,272 otters.slowly slowly they are moving to the extinction.Southern sea otters would be extinct if not for the Endangered Species Act (ESA), but right now,it's under attack.Imperiled ocean animals need you now more the ever.

So be aware and spread awareness

Monday, March 11, 2019

Indonesia's Bandung city is facing the flood situation

Image result for flood in bandung

2 people died in the flood of Bandung city.6 people went missing in this flood. According to the Disaster Management Agency the coast of river 'Citarum' was broken because of heavy rain. About 6,000 homes have been washed away because of it. There is so much water logging on the  streets that people are walking through boats. The flood treat is getting bigger and bigger in the east area of southeast Asian islands.This event evacuated 809 persons from 215 families.So many people became homeless.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

"Effects are so bad of saltwater intrusion"

Of climate change's many plagues --drought,insects,fires,floods -- saltwater intrusion in particular sounds almost like a biblical curse.Rising seas,sinking earth and extreme weather are conspiring to cause salt from the ocean to contaminate aquifers and turn formerly fertile fields barren.A 2016 study in the journal science predicated that 9 percent of the U.S. coastline is vulnerable to saltwater intrusion -- a percentage likely to grow as the world continues to warm.Scientists are just beginning to assess the potential effect on agriculture,East Carolina University hydrologist Alex Manda said, and it's not yet clear how much can be mitigated.If farmer in coastal areas have any hope of protecting their land and their livelihoods.The first step is to disentangle  the complex web of causes that can send ocean water seeping into the ground beneath their feet."We spend a lot of time and money to try to prevent salt,"farmer Dawson Pugh says."I worry what the future is." If it keeps getting worse, will it be worth farming?" 

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Protest for climate change is going on and on, now in London

Teachers staged a protest in front of the Department for Education in London to demand that climate crisis is made part of the curriculum. Organisers  say students will only hear climate change mentioned in fewer than 10 lessons out of approximately 10000 and believe that it should be an 'educational property'. Students also joined the protest. The demonstration comes as young people across the world participate in school strikes to urge politicians to take action.

Coronavirus in India (NEW UPDATE)

PM Modi said that during such a global epidemic, only one mantra works: “Hum Swastha Toh Jaga Swastha”, meaning, ‘The world is healt...