Friday, December 28, 2018

Rare Vaquita porpoises are moving to the extinction.

Vaquita  is the smallest and most endangered porpoise in the world.
These tiny porpoises are mostly found in the sea of Cortez in the upper gulf of California near Mexico.
There are 12 Vaquita porpoises left in the world.18 porpoises disappeared in the last.

They are dying because fisher man release the nets and they get tangled up in them.In mexico the gill net fishing get banned for saving the Vaquita. President of mexico put a permanent ban n the uses of gill nets but fisher men are still using gill net illegally.

To aware the people about vaquita,we made 7 July as international save the vaquita day.
In 2006,the other species of dolphins called 'Baiji' got extinct.A organization called sea shephared is fighting for the vaquita.They are doing so many efforts and operations for it.
We've already lost so many special species if we don't save vaquita  than after some time it will ganna extinct also.

Thank you 

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