Wednesday, January 16, 2019

A solar panel which makes 'Water' and electricity as well

In Las Vegas, there is a start up named "Zero Mass Water", made a solar panel which makes water by adsorption of vapor.It also removes water impurities  as well.This start up launched a new sensor for this panel in Consumer Electronic Show.With the help of this sensor we can check the quality of the water.We can see the data of water's quality on Zero Mass water Application.United nations estimated that there are 210 crore people in this world living without pure water.
 This panel makes 5 liters of in a day.There is a tanker under the panel to store the water.
To install this panel it coasts 1975 dollars (1.4 lakh rupees).
Bill Gates,Jeff Bezos and many big investors invested 986000 K dollars (7000 crore rupees) in this start up.

This is a great invention.I hope this will remove the problem of impure water.

                                      Thank you

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