Friday, December 7, 2018

Temperature is getting higher and higher

Fact-2018 is set to become the hottest on record according to the world meteorologial organization.nature is struggling to heal itself and we need to take action.we have 12 years to reduce Co2 emissions by 50%to keep globalwarming at 1.5°C earth's climate has never changed as rapidly or as extreme as it is now .from over fishing, coral reef destruction,to melting ice glaciers and the chopping down of trees , humans are stripping nature and polluting earth faster than nature can regenrate. we only have one earth.take care of it. #be aware

take a look

because of our limitless demands

Every one of us can help nature to heal. 

because its our priority
everybody just living their lives without taking care of nature, if we dont take any action for it ,one day we will regret for this



in upcoming year 2019 it will become more dangerous because industrial areas are increasing very fast. updated study finds 65% of industrial carbon pollution produced by 90 entities.

Needs of mankind are getting more and more

Actor & environmentlist Leonardo Dicaprio is doing such a great work in this field.He started so many campaigns for it.
so we should have to take care about nature,if we don't then nature won't care about us.

Thank you

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