Monday, December 10, 2018

Snow leopard "The iconic cat in danger"

Snow leopard is one of the rare species in the world.
They mostly live alone and found active at night.

snow leopard's population in asia estimated 4500-7500 & in India it's estimated 450-500.
On the list of snow leopard's population china comes first.

In india they mostly found in Laddakh,Himachal Pradesh & Arunachal Pradesh.

But the snow leopard is no longer endangerd.
                       It's still at risk
It still faces a high risk of extinction because of habitat loss and degradation,decline in prey population,illegal wildlife threats like hunters they kill them for money!!!!!
this is ridiculous.

Higher temperature is affecting the snow lines where the snow leopard's habitat situated.So the snow leopards have to leave their habitats.After that they couldn't find suitable habitat for their living,
that's why they suffer and 'Die'.

     prevent this iconic cat from moving closer to the extinction.

                             Thank you

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