Friday, December 14, 2018

Plastic is killing animals & marine life also

Fact -
In daily life we use so much plastic,why do we use it????

for our comfort Right!!!!!!!!
But our comfort kills animals in the high amount.
Few days ago in Indonesia a whale found died because of eating high amount of plastic. Environmentalists found 1000 pieces in stomach.

In ocean thousands of marine creatures a year die from plastic & approximately 1 million sea birds also die from plastic.

Producing & using amount of plastic -

we are producing estimated 280-300 million tons of plastic.
More than 1 million bags are used across the globe every day.We dump more than 8 million tons of plastic into our oceans every year.

We use plastic and throw it anywhere which is bad very bad.We made our earth a different world.It's not the world we want.

Efforts -
Recycling is not viable because it costs a lot,so please dump it right place. I think we should get rid of this habit.
here's some tips to get rid from habit___

-> Don't use plastic straws.

->Bring a reusable shopping bag with you.

->Use reusable water bottles,just refill it and drink from it.

->Avoid food with plastic packaging 

->If you're using plastic think about it twice

Use paper bag instead of using poly bags. We can recycle it easily and even it's not cost worthy.Over all I just wanna say that take care about nature & innocent animals around you.

Thank you for reading

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