Monday, January 7, 2019

Giraffe's population is decreasing

Giraffes are native to Africa.This beautiful creature is 5 to 6 meter tall and in weight,it can be 800kg. They mostly found in Savanna,Grassland,Woodland.Giraffe's population was good but now it's decreasing constantly.

In several African countries population of Giraffes that use to live there no longer inhabit such places.Their future is in danger mainly because of human activities like 'Poaching'.A tower of reticulated Giraffe in Loisaba wildlife conservancy in northern Kenya.In last 10 years reticulated Giraffe population have decreased by 80%.Once almost taken for granted as an abundant animal,now Giraffes may be slipping away without public notice.
In December 2016, the international union for conservation of nature Giraffes two categories down the IUCN red list of threatened species from "least concern" to "vulnerable".To address this, scientists are researching Giraffes on two large areas of protected land, Loisaba conservancy,which TNC helped protect and establish for loisaba community trust, and Namunyak community,one of 27 conservancies supported by TNC partner Northern Rangelands Trust.In 2017,the partners also affixed solarpowered  satellite GPS tracking devices to 11 Giraffes to understand their movements.
Unfortunately,two of those animals were poached,but the remaining Giraffe's movements will provide valuable data that will help TNC and others develop informed conservation strategies.

Thank you

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