Friday, January 4, 2019

Melting rates of Greenland's ice can be 'Dangerous' in future

Greenland is the largest island in the world.It's located to the North side of North America. The island lies between north Atlantic ocean and Arctic ocean .Greenland's total area is 2,166,086 square K.M.;
In March, Geophysical Research Letters reported that the western part of Greenland's ice sheet is melting at  it's fastest rate in at least 450 years.some scientists believe that the Arctic hasn't seen ice melt similar to this in 5000 years. If the ice sheet melts entirely,sea levels would rise 20 feet,leaving lower Manhattan underwater.
Jason Gulley,a geologist and Celia Trunz, a PhD student in geology conducted meltwater research. They released a fluorescent 'RED DYE' to determine how and why more rivers from on the surface of the ice sheet and what will happen as a result of new rivers.So far,They 've found that the rivers lubricate the ice slop,making the sheets move faster to word the coasts  which could cause even more icebergs to calve into the ocean.

Thank you

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