Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Cleanest river of India 'Umangot',it seems like boat is floating on the glass.

This is the image of the cleanest river India.It's name is 'Umangot river'.It's in Meghalaya,India.The water of this river is so much clean,even it seems like that there is a boat is floating on the glass.This river is 85 K.M. far from Shillong,near to the India-Bangladesh border,in middle of the Dawki town in jayantiya hills district.
                                                              People call it the paradise hidden in the hills.The reason behind of this clean river is the primitive traditions of there people.They are so passionate about the cleaning and elders take care of it.This river flows through Dawki,Darrang and Shnongpdeng villages and the responsibility of cleaning the river is also on the people of these villages.
                                              There are 2 to 4 days in a month of 'community day' after seeing weather and the number of  the tourists.In these days the people from 300 houses of the villages clean the river and nearby.
                                                               People obey the rules of cleaning strictly.You have to pay 5000 rupees on spreading dirt according to the fine.Number of tourists get higher in the period of November to April.
                     it's  an Inspiration to us

                                Thank you

Friday, January 25, 2019

In Switzerland,students demonstrated on the streets for the situation of climate change 2019

 Few days ago over 4000 students demonstrated on the streets for the situation of the climate change.They demonstrated in front of Geneva,which is the European headquarters of the United nations till 5 P.M.. They made so many posters to aware people about the climate change.All of the students are 10 to 15 years old and they came from 15 Swiss cities.Their demand was that take actions on the "climate control".
                                                                                They warned the Government that there is no planet 'B'.We have to stay here,that's why control all the changing conditions of the environment.After seeing this children's enthusiasm
estimated 8000 people supported and joined them.Local police told that,"they are demonstrating here from 8 A.M."
                                                        They know the fact that what disaster will we cause in future if we do not take actions for the condition of climate change.They did a great job.

                                                                       Thank you

Monday, January 21, 2019

Australia is facing the "higher" temperature in winter days (2019)

In many countries,snow is turning fast these days.People are enjoying the snowfall.But here in Australia temperature is so high.People in Australia are facing the effects of hot air.Temperature of Australia is reached to 52°C.Even the asphalt of the roads is melting because of the high temperature.
           Basically the temperature of Australia always remains 25 to 30°C but this time it got higher. So the Government of Australia declared ozone alert to the many parts of the south-east region because of the heat problem.


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Ice of Antarctica is melting so fast, "Danger"

Melting rate of Antarctica's ice is increasing so fast.
It reached to 6 times more faster than before.It's a dangerous sign for the coastal cities. There is a apprehension of flood in the coastal cities.It can be dangerous for the cities near to Antarctica like cities of Argentina,Chile,falkland Islands and many more coastal areas.
                                                                                                Proceeding National Academy of Sciences claimed it by issuing their reports.
Academy researched for it on the bases of the photos,that taken by NASA.

                                                                Thank you

A solar panel which makes 'Water' and electricity as well

In Las Vegas, there is a start up named "Zero Mass Water", made a solar panel which makes water by adsorption of vapor.It also removes water impurities  as well.This start up launched a new sensor for this panel in Consumer Electronic Show.With the help of this sensor we can check the quality of the water.We can see the data of water's quality on Zero Mass water Application.United nations estimated that there are 210 crore people in this world living without pure water.
 This panel makes 5 liters of in a day.There is a tanker under the panel to store the water.
To install this panel it coasts 1975 dollars (1.4 lakh rupees).
Bill Gates,Jeff Bezos and many big investors invested 986000 K dollars (7000 crore rupees) in this start up.

This is a great invention.I hope this will remove the problem of impure water.

                                      Thank you

Friday, January 11, 2019

Real life Tarzan in Hong Kong

His name is Jason.He is living near to the beach and jungle in Hong Kong.He is living that life which many people can only dream of.He and his friends built a house with plastic bottles, dead tree branches and beach garbage.He didn't even cut a single tree to make this house. He grows his own organic food.
The interesting fact is that he can live his life and make money! because "Disney" discovered his talent and hired him to do what he already does at their Disney show.he grew up in Philippines. He had tough childhood.He suffered a lot and than he found this life to live.He said that 'city life is not for me.I tried a lot but it doesn't work for me'.
He is an inspiration to us that be natural, love the environment and BE HAPPY.........
                               Thank you

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Condition of Endangered Hawaiian monk seals

There are 1400 monk seals throughout Hawaii. In the main Hawaii island there are less then 300 left monk seals are only native to Hawaii.Image result for Hawaiian Monk seal
In 2017 Hawaiian monk seal's population remained stable.
2017 was a good year for Hawaiian monk seals. In that year 161 pups counted in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and 34 in the main Hawaiian Islands.Their condition was good but now seals are facing new challenge,eels stuck up their noses so they can't breath properly.It's happening again & again and scientists don't know why?
They are searching why it's happening and they will find it's solution soon.

                         Thank you

Monday, January 7, 2019

Giraffe's population is decreasing

Giraffes are native to Africa.This beautiful creature is 5 to 6 meter tall and in weight,it can be 800kg. They mostly found in Savanna,Grassland,Woodland.Giraffe's population was good but now it's decreasing constantly.

In several African countries population of Giraffes that use to live there no longer inhabit such places.Their future is in danger mainly because of human activities like 'Poaching'.A tower of reticulated Giraffe in Loisaba wildlife conservancy in northern Kenya.In last 10 years reticulated Giraffe population have decreased by 80%.Once almost taken for granted as an abundant animal,now Giraffes may be slipping away without public notice.
In December 2016, the international union for conservation of nature Giraffes two categories down the IUCN red list of threatened species from "least concern" to "vulnerable".To address this, scientists are researching Giraffes on two large areas of protected land, Loisaba conservancy,which TNC helped protect and establish for loisaba community trust, and Namunyak community,one of 27 conservancies supported by TNC partner Northern Rangelands Trust.In 2017,the partners also affixed solarpowered  satellite GPS tracking devices to 11 Giraffes to understand their movements.
Unfortunately,two of those animals were poached,but the remaining Giraffe's movements will provide valuable data that will help TNC and others develop informed conservation strategies.

Thank you

Friday, January 4, 2019

Melting rates of Greenland's ice can be 'Dangerous' in future

Greenland is the largest island in the world.It's located to the North side of North America. The island lies between north Atlantic ocean and Arctic ocean .Greenland's total area is 2,166,086 square K.M.;
In March, Geophysical Research Letters reported that the western part of Greenland's ice sheet is melting at  it's fastest rate in at least 450 years.some scientists believe that the Arctic hasn't seen ice melt similar to this in 5000 years. If the ice sheet melts entirely,sea levels would rise 20 feet,leaving lower Manhattan underwater.
Jason Gulley,a geologist and Celia Trunz, a PhD student in geology conducted meltwater research. They released a fluorescent 'RED DYE' to determine how and why more rivers from on the surface of the ice sheet and what will happen as a result of new rivers.So far,They 've found that the rivers lubricate the ice slop,making the sheets move faster to word the coasts  which could cause even more icebergs to calve into the ocean.

Thank you

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Most clean village in Asia 'Mawlynnong'

In India,100K.M. far from 'Shillong' the capital of Meghalaya,there is a village called 'Mawlynnong'.It's not a ordinary village,this village has won the most clean village not just in India even in the Asia.
It's located in East Khasi Hill district of Meghalaya . This village came in headlines in 2003 when the popular magazine announced it the as the cleanest village in India and in 2005 this magazine proclaim it the cleanest village in Asia.
This village also known as 'God's own garden'.Mawlynnong achieved so much fame not in India even even in other foreign countries. It became a tourist spot for local & foreign tourists.
Because of fame it got some development .In this village people made home cottages in every single house for hospitality. There are 550 people living in this village.
Every single people in this village is so passionate about cleaning.From elderly to the child everybody is keeping their houses and village clean.
you can see dustbin in front of single house.Five people pick up every single leaf from the road everyday.They lean the roads of village once in a week and they clean the whole 18 K.M. pathway from village to Shillong-Dawki highway once in a year.
There is a post office, a community hall and a church in this village. Last year Meghalaya tourism built his office and a guest house in this village.People there talk with tourists in English.

This village is an inspiration for everybody.

                                   Thank you

Coronavirus in India (NEW UPDATE)

PM Modi said that during such a global epidemic, only one mantra works: “Hum Swastha Toh Jaga Swastha”, meaning, ‘The world is healt...