Friday, December 28, 2018

Rare Vaquita porpoises are moving to the extinction.

Vaquita  is the smallest and most endangered porpoise in the world.
These tiny porpoises are mostly found in the sea of Cortez in the upper gulf of California near Mexico.
There are 12 Vaquita porpoises left in the world.18 porpoises disappeared in the last.

They are dying because fisher man release the nets and they get tangled up in them.In mexico the gill net fishing get banned for saving the Vaquita. President of mexico put a permanent ban n the uses of gill nets but fisher men are still using gill net illegally.

To aware the people about vaquita,we made 7 July as international save the vaquita day.
In 2006,the other species of dolphins called 'Baiji' got extinct.A organization called sea shephared is fighting for the vaquita.They are doing so many efforts and operations for it.
We've already lost so many special species if we don't save vaquita  than after some time it will ganna extinct also.

Thank you 

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Indonesia got hit by a 'Tsunami'

At Saturday night a tsunami hit Indonesia.
On the west side of Jakarta,between Java and Sumatra,the area of Sunda Strait got affected by a tsunami after the 
volcanic eruption.
428 people died in this disaster.
Up to thousand of people got injured and 28 people got lost in tsunami.

Tsunami mostly hit Banten's Pandeglang & serang  
and Lumpang also.
Tsunami caused most disaster in pandeglang area.

According to the National Disaster Agency's guesses  volcanic eruption in Anak volcano caused landslide in the ocean so waves got abnormal changes that's why tsunami caused.
This disaster made so many people 'homeless'.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Plastic is killing animals & marine life also

Fact -
In daily life we use so much plastic,why do we use it????

for our comfort Right!!!!!!!!
But our comfort kills animals in the high amount.
Few days ago in Indonesia a whale found died because of eating high amount of plastic. Environmentalists found 1000 pieces in stomach.

In ocean thousands of marine creatures a year die from plastic & approximately 1 million sea birds also die from plastic.

Producing & using amount of plastic -

we are producing estimated 280-300 million tons of plastic.
More than 1 million bags are used across the globe every day.We dump more than 8 million tons of plastic into our oceans every year.

We use plastic and throw it anywhere which is bad very bad.We made our earth a different world.It's not the world we want.

Efforts -
Recycling is not viable because it costs a lot,so please dump it right place. I think we should get rid of this habit.
here's some tips to get rid from habit___

-> Don't use plastic straws.

->Bring a reusable shopping bag with you.

->Use reusable water bottles,just refill it and drink from it.

->Avoid food with plastic packaging 

->If you're using plastic think about it twice

Use paper bag instead of using poly bags. We can recycle it easily and even it's not cost worthy.Over all I just wanna say that take care about nature & innocent animals around you.

Thank you for reading

Monday, December 10, 2018

Snow leopard "The iconic cat in danger"

Snow leopard is one of the rare species in the world.
They mostly live alone and found active at night.

snow leopard's population in asia estimated 4500-7500 & in India it's estimated 450-500.
On the list of snow leopard's population china comes first.

In india they mostly found in Laddakh,Himachal Pradesh & Arunachal Pradesh.

But the snow leopard is no longer endangerd.
                       It's still at risk
It still faces a high risk of extinction because of habitat loss and degradation,decline in prey population,illegal wildlife threats like hunters they kill them for money!!!!!
this is ridiculous.

Higher temperature is affecting the snow lines where the snow leopard's habitat situated.So the snow leopards have to leave their habitats.After that they couldn't find suitable habitat for their living,
that's why they suffer and 'Die'.

     prevent this iconic cat from moving closer to the extinction.

                             Thank you

Friday, December 7, 2018

Temperature is getting higher and higher

Fact-2018 is set to become the hottest on record according to the world meteorologial organization.nature is struggling to heal itself and we need to take action.we have 12 years to reduce Co2 emissions by 50%to keep globalwarming at 1.5°C earth's climate has never changed as rapidly or as extreme as it is now .from over fishing, coral reef destruction,to melting ice glaciers and the chopping down of trees , humans are stripping nature and polluting earth faster than nature can regenrate. we only have one earth.take care of it. #be aware

take a look

because of our limitless demands

Every one of us can help nature to heal. 

because its our priority
everybody just living their lives without taking care of nature, if we dont take any action for it ,one day we will regret for this



in upcoming year 2019 it will become more dangerous because industrial areas are increasing very fast. updated study finds 65% of industrial carbon pollution produced by 90 entities.

Needs of mankind are getting more and more

Actor & environmentlist Leonardo Dicaprio is doing such a great work in this field.He started so many campaigns for it.
so we should have to take care about nature,if we don't then nature won't care about us.

Thank you

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